In December, Metro Vancouver released an eight page FAQ outlining their areas of jurisdiction on the Biofuel proposal by Andion & SFN. The document contains charts that illustrate how this plant compares to similar polluters in the GVRD.
The charts compare Semiahmoo RNG to much smaller scale biofuel operations & a gas and oil refinery making an ‘apples to oranges’ comparison which aims to downplay the impact of this plant. The most obvious comparison is the Surrey Biofuel facility which emissions values are not shown.
The report continues to compare emissions factors from other polluters in unrelated activities such a farming and border traffic in an attempt to smokescreen the harm of this plant on our environment and our health.
An important question: why are the background emissions shown in the FAQ not factored into Andion’s Air Modelling Charts as baseline pollutants contributing to overall exceedances? (As recommended in the BC Air Quality Dispersion Modelling Guideline cited in this FAQ).
Read full FAQ here.