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Location Matters.
With regard to the proposed Andion Biofuel plant and its proximity to Little Campbell River (LCR), Semiahmoo First Nation (SFN) Chief, Harley Chappell, said it best, when SFN thwarted a Surrey industrial development back in 2022.
“The Semiahmoo’s territory lies at the mouth of the Little Campbell River, which they call the Tatalu …
All of our tributaries and our waterways need the added protection, we’ve always been told here that this waterway is one of the last unprotected, natural-state gems in the South Fraser area,” Chappell said. "Whether it’s providing salmon, whether it’s flowing into Semiahmoo bay that provides wellbeing to our shellfish, it’s of the utmost importance.”
With the proposed Andion Biofuel plant less than 1 km from the Little Campbell River, why does this location not concern us, and the sensitive ecosystems of LCR, now?
Find Key Info, Studies, Petition and Link to our Facebook Group at
** Most Essentially – Share your questions and concerns with those who can help us pause this hazardous Biofuel project before it’s too late. Email
** If you've done that, here's what's next ... reach out to government leaders. Find a full list here:
*Ref article for Harvey Chappell quote - search "Semiahmoo First Nation hails pause on proposed Surrey industrial area expansion" dated Jan 30, 2022."

Our Safety Matters
“The risks of this development far outweigh the benefits.
While we fully understand the need to create alternative energy sources, and for Semiahmoo First Nation (SFN) to pursue economically viable opportunities, there must be a way to do all this safely.
Biofuel plant explosions are a very real risk. We have more questions than answers.
Why are Biofuel facilities exploding? What’s the impact if an explosion happens in our neighbourhood, by a sensitive ecosystem like our Little Campbell River, by Semiahmoo Bay? Who will respond to the emergency if the explosion occurs on SFN land? What will the fallout and repercussions be for our families, environment, even our border crossing?
With this high risk of accident, combined with the health and environmental concerns, why would this be considered an ideal location for the Andion Biofuel plant?
To review the incidents of explosions that have already occurred, visit
The time to ACT is now. Groundbreaking for the facility is imminent.
Find Key Info, Studies, Petition and Link to our Facebook Group at
* Most Essentially – Share your questions and concerns with those who can help us pause this hazardous Biofuel project before it’s too late. Email
** If you've done that, here's what's next ... reach out to government leaders. Find a full list here: ”
*** Please note – We appreciate you spreading the word about the issues at hand. Sharing is Encouraged! - Simply click n' hold or right click to Save Photo. Copy & paste copy. Start your own post, add photo/copy and your own comments. Thank you!

Clean Air Matters
Our questions and concerns are NOT based on feelings but facts.
This isn’t a “they” problem, it’s a compelling “we problem”, if you’re within a 10 km range of this facility (at least).
Here’s why:
Studies prove there are dire consequences. “After controlling for multiple confounders, we consistently found that respiratory emergency department (ED) visit rates among residents living within 10 km of biorefineries were significantly higher.” If you’re saying, “What???” incredulously, you are not alone. Find the full community study here …
The proposed Biofuel plant in SS will release toxic gases into the atmosphere and the air over 3600 homes and two elementary schools. Reference: Air Quality Dispersion Report by Tetra Tech for Andion Global.​
The facility expects to pollute 40 tonnes of gas/year including Methane gas, Nitrogen Oxide, Sulphur Dioxide, Hydrogen Sulfide, & Ammonia among other VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds). Reference: Air Quality Dispersion
Methane is known to be the leading cause of ozone depletion and the cause of cardiovascular, respiratory illnesses, neurological problems, memory loss and depression. Details at:
Gases are reported by Tetra Tech to cause respiratory illness with long-term exposure leading to lung disease among other conditions including epilepsy, pneumonia, claustrophobia and heart problems. Learn more at:
With these study-driven, well-known, impacts, why would this type of facility be proposed for our residential, ecosystem-sensitive, neighbourhood?
The time to ACT is now. Groundbreaking for the facility is imminent.
Find Key Info, Studies, Petition and Link to our Facebook Group at
* Most Essentially – Share your questions and concerns with those who can help us pause this hazardous Biofuel project before it’s too late. Email
** If you've done that, here's what's next ... reach out to government leaders. Find a full list here:
*** Please note – We appreciate you spreading the word about the issues at hand.
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